Bobbie’s Buzz: Trending Beauty Tips

Bobbie’s Buzz: Trending Beauty Tips

NBC ID: ARGEZT0GHS | Media Type: Aired Show | Air Date(s): 06/05/2015 | Event Date(s): 06/05/2015


Event Date(s): 06/05/2015 | Event Location(s): New York City, New York | Description: INT TODAY SHOW STUDIO, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK HODA KOTB: We are back on this Try-Day Friday and that means we're trying out some tips in Bobbie's Buzz. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Bobbie's Buzz. TODAY style editor and's Bobbie Thomas is here to show us how to plump, tame and contour-- HODA KOTB: Plump, tame and contour. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --just like the celebrities do. HODA KOTB: Hi! BOBBIE THOMAS: Hello! KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: How are you feeling, sweetheart? BOBBIE THOMAS: I'm feeling great. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Seven weeks to go? BOBBIE THOMAS: Seven-- yeah, about seven weeks to go, I think, so I'm very excited. But in the meantime, I'm ba-- I'm baking this little one-- HODA KOTB: Yeah. BOBBIE THOMAS: --but I'm also baking my makeup which is why I look so unblended, everybody at home. HODA KOTB: Yeah. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: For-- on purpose. BOBBIE THOMAS: This is a term that you're seeing popup everywhere online, and so on YouTube we have a graphic of someone that-- at my office Keisha helped explain too just visually when you let your makeup, your under eye concealer and your powder sit for ten to fifteen minutes, if you take a look at the graphic you'll see it. It's a very big difference. HODA KOTB: Yeah. BOBBIE THOMAS: And what happens is the natural oils blend in over that time so you avoid the creasing and the separating because a lot of times when you blend right away, you leave the house and all of a sudden you're like what's happened. HODA KOTB: Yeah, what's going on here, right. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: You mean that's all you do and then you leave it? BOBBIE THOMAS: So you put this on, go brush your teeth and then now this has been sitting on for an hour. I look like a clown but-- HODA KOTB: Yeah. BOBBIE THOMAS: --you just blend right over it and then-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: With-- with powder? BOBBIE THOMAS: With powder, your regular face powder. HODA KOTB: Yeah. BOBBIE THOMAS: And you just don't worry about going right over it. And that's sort of a trick here at the studio because-- HODA KOTB: Look at the difference. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Wow! HODA KOTB: That's unbelievable. BOBBIE THOMAS: And that way, it looks flawless. You don't have like that oil, that breaks it up or the chunk. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: You know what, I got to admit, Hoda, she's always flawless. HODA KOTB: I know. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: And I'm thinking there or maybe it's something to do with-- BOBBIE THOMAS: Oh, no. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --her pregnancy. She's got the-- BOBBIE THOMAS: Let me tell you-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: I just-- I feel-- I won't say anything and it's all for a reason. I should have known. BOBBIE THOMAS: Oh, it's-- there's a layer on. I definitely just leave it on. HODA KOTB: By the way, that's unbelievable. BOBBIE THOMAS: Yeah. And then it won't break up. You'd think it looks weird but-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: That is cool. BOBBIE THOMAS: Thank you. HODA KOTB: So you said brush your teeth, do other things. BOBBIE THOMAS: Brush your teeth, do other things-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: For ten minutes? BOBBIE THOMAS: --because then the natural oil will get a chance to fuse with the makeup. HODA KOTB: Can I ask a question? What was under your eyes and your chin? What did you-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: The concealer, right? HODA KOTB: A concealer? BOBBIE THOMAS: Yes. HODA KOTB: Okay. BOBBIE THOMAS: It was a concealer and a white powder. HODA KOTB: Okay. BOBBIE THOMAS: Just use the powder lighter than your cheeks-- HODA KOTB: Okay. BOBBIE THOMAS: --because this will lift your cheeks and then you can contour your best features. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Got it. HODA KOTB: Okay. What else you got? BOBBIE THOMAS: Okay. Second-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: That was fascinating on so many levels. HODA KOTB: Yes. BOBBIE THOMAS: --plumping. Kylie Jenner is so influential. She's a young girl. I know you know her. But now young girls are going online because they can't get the injections, they can afford them but they're using vacuums-- HODA KOTB: Yeah, terrible. BOBBIE THOMAS: --and all these kinds of things-- HODA KOTB: Terrible stuff. BOBBIE THOMAS: --that are breaking their blood vessels. So instead, I have a great graphic to give you the tips of how you can use a white pencil down the center of your lips to get the illusion of a fuller lip. On a, you know, fresh pair of lips just put this white pencil or light concealer down the center and then use your finger to blend the color on the outside. And I, on my lips, will show you. HODA KOTB: Are those your lips there too, right, BT? BOBBIE THOMAS: Yeah, those are my lips. So here, live in studio, I just have a gloss on. HODA KOTB: Yeah. BOBBIE THOMAS: And then just take any kind of matte light powder-- HODA KOT: Hm-Mm. BOBBIE THOMAS: --and stick your finger in the powder. HODA KOTB: Yeah. BOBBIE THOMAS: Just dot down the center with the powder and then muck it together. And you'll get this-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: She's got such beautiful lips. HODA KOTB: I know, everything. BOBBIE THOMAS: --you'll get this effect that down the center once you kind of tame it in. It just gives you a plumper look down the center. HODA KOTB: Yeah, it does. BOBBIE THOMAS: And last but not least something called Plopping. Hoda, curly hair girls who want the natural curls. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: I turn to do that in private, don't you? BOBBIE THOMAS: We have a picture again. We have a picture again of Tracy (ph). Plopping is when you put your hair in a t-shirt, wrap it up and it gives a more natural curl. HODA KOTB: What do you mean in a t-shirt? BOBBIE THOMAS: See on the left, her hair is intact, the curls. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. BOBBIE THOMAS: You wrap it in a t-shirt overnight instead of brushing it or using a towel because the towel roughs the cuticles up and makes it frizzy. HODA KOTB: When you said wrap in a t-shirt, what are saying, take a t-shirt? BOBBIE THOMAS: A t-shirt just like this. HODA KOTB: Yeah. And then what? BOBBIE THOMAS: You put your hair, you plop it over. I can't do that while with the baby. HODA KOTB: Oh, you wrap-- oh, so you wrap it. BOBBIE THOMAS: You tie it. HODA KOTB: Oh, just like it's a towel? BOBBIE THOMAS: Yeah. And the key is a t-shirt because it's a flat cotton or a dish rag. You don't want the terry cloth ribbed towels-- HODA KOTB: Right. BOBBIE THOMAS: So you want something flat. HODA KOTB: Okay. So it leaves it curly. Awesome. BOBBIE THOMAS: All of these steps are online. HODA KOTB: Thank you, Bobbie Thomas. STILLS Split screen photo of a woman Inset photos of a woman applying makeup Split screen photo of a woman’s hair

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