Madeleine McCann disappearance: Kate and Gerry McCann interview

Madeleine McCann disappearance: Kate and Gerry McCann interview; ENGLAND: London: INT Kate McCann and Gerry McCann (Parents of missing child Madeleine McCann, holding hands) interview SOT - (Gerry)) On open letter to prime minister and home secretary. On action, or lack of, by previous New Labour government. - (Kate) Looking for answers to simple questions and we're not getting anything from the Home Office. Would like a review by the British Government. It's a stone that hasn't been unturned. Curtain falls down in background and Gerry McCann says he is hot and would like to something to fan himself and begins fanning himself wit ha copy of the Sun newspaper saying 'I knew it would be useful for something' SOT - (Gerry) We don't think it's to much to ask of the Prime Minister as he is a family man and has suffered his own loss. - (Kate) In the early days I couldn't see past hours let alone days or years. On why Kate decided to write the book. So her three children could have a copy of the truth. Wanted to carry on the search for Madeleine and this is the way to rasie money. On personal aspects of book and how important it was to talk about the impact on all aspects of their lives. - (Gerry) On how the siblings have coped really well and how this book may help others who have lsit siblings. - (Kate) Explains what happened the night of Madeleine's alleged disappearance. Were checking on the children every half hour. At ten o'clock went through patio doors at back, it was all quiet but I noticed the door to the children's bedroom was further open. Pulled the door to again and it slammed shut so I knew there was a draught. Hadn't left patio doors open. Opened the door into a dark room trying ot make out Madeleine, and it sounds daft but I didn't want to wake the children by switching the light on. Suddenly I knew she wasn't there. She wasn't in our bedroom. I panicked. I ran back into the children's bedroom. A gust of wind blew the curtains open and that's...
Madeleine McCann disappearance: Kate and Gerry McCann interview; ENGLAND: London: INT Kate McCann and Gerry McCann (Parents of missing child Madeleine McCann, holding hands) interview SOT - (Gerry)) On open letter to prime minister and home secretary. On action, or lack of, by previous New Labour government. - (Kate) Looking for answers to simple questions and we're not getting anything from the Home Office. Would like a review by the British Government. It's a stone that hasn't been unturned. Curtain falls down in background and Gerry McCann says he is hot and would like to something to fan himself and begins fanning himself wit ha copy of the Sun newspaper saying 'I knew it would be useful for something' SOT - (Gerry) We don't think it's to much to ask of the Prime Minister as he is a family man and has suffered his own loss. - (Kate) In the early days I couldn't see past hours let alone days or years. On why Kate decided to write the book. So her three children could have a copy of the truth. Wanted to carry on the search for Madeleine and this is the way to rasie money. On personal aspects of book and how important it was to talk about the impact on all aspects of their lives. - (Gerry) On how the siblings have coped really well and how this book may help others who have lsit siblings. - (Kate) Explains what happened the night of Madeleine's alleged disappearance. Were checking on the children every half hour. At ten o'clock went through patio doors at back, it was all quiet but I noticed the door to the children's bedroom was further open. Pulled the door to again and it slammed shut so I knew there was a draught. Hadn't left patio doors open. Opened the door into a dark room trying ot make out Madeleine, and it sounds daft but I didn't want to wake the children by switching the light on. Suddenly I knew she wasn't there. She wasn't in our bedroom. I panicked. I ran back into the children's bedroom. A gust of wind blew the curtains open and that's...

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Gemaakt op:
12 mei 2011
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