MMA Fighter - Stockillustratie

This is an image of an MMA Fighter. He is built in three layers. There is a small portion of the circular chain that covers his left hand that comes off to reveal an entire fist. He is on the second layer that sits on top of the third which contains a full chain circle. All secondary color levels are removable down to a simple flat color image. A BLACK & WHITE version is also available for download. The file is provided as an Illustrator 8 EPS and a 300dpi high-rez jpg.
This is an image of an MMA Fighter. He is built in three layers. There is a small portion of the circular chain that covers his left hand that comes off to reveal an entire fist. He is on the second layer that sits on top of the third which contains a full chain circle. All secondary color levels are removable down to a simple flat color image. A BLACK & WHITE version is also available for download. The file is provided as an Illustrator 8 EPS and a 300dpi high-rez jpg.
MMA Fighter
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€ 475,00


Creatief nr.:
Soort licentie:
DigitalVision Vectors
Max. bestandsgrootte:
3926 x 4242 px (33,24 x 35,92 cm) - 300 dpi - 3 MB
Datum van uploaden:
Model en property release